
Hypnotherapy - how it works

"A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind."
― James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

It is important to understand that any hypnotic state is produced by the mind of the client and not by a hypnotherapist.
Hypnotherapy is a client oriented therapy. It means that hypnotherapist does not apply his views or opinions on the client, but rather a client, by himself decides what the best solution is. The Hypnotherapist is only a facilitator of the session, a guide or a teacher that leads the client to the subconscious state.

Hypnotherapy can be an individual treatment or a group treatment. For the individual treatment we provide both, in person and on-line sessions
Hypnotherapy treatments can been divided into three general categories: self-hypnosis, direct / indirect suggestions and interactive hypnosis.


Self-hypnosis and meditation are very close to each other. The main difference is in the techniques that are used for the guidance to the relaxed state and the purpose.

While in meditation, one usually observes his body and "float" in relaxation, self-hypnosis usually has a particular goal to achieve. Hypnosis is a skill, very much like playing piano or tennis. Some people are ready to experience hypnosis while others might need some practice.

Regular practice of hypnosis will increase your ability to achieve deep and calm state as well as it will increase clarity and eliminate stress.

You can read more about Self-hypnosis techniques here

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Direct / indirect suggestions

In this approach you are given direct suggestions that improve your issue. This is the way that Hypnosis CD's are built. Direct suggestions are great for motivation, inspiration and other cases, where the issue is very small and not deep.

This type of hypnosis is like a little patch that can be placed on the scratched. However, if under the "scratch" is a deeper problem, then first of all we have to remove the root cause of the issue.

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An interactive hypnosis

In an interactive hypnosis a therapist and a client are on search for the root of the issue. There are different techniques how to do it and an overall guidance which technique when to use.
The search is done in the hypnotic state, where a therapist is asking the questions and a client gives the answers.

There are two main techniques that are used for interactive therapy:
• Regression
• Parts therapy.

Interested to know more about it? You can find more information on an interactive hypnosis page

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Self-hypnosis or hypnotherapist

If you struggle with achieving calm and peaceful state by yourself or it seems that you have challenge to convince yourself and need help, you can try recorded suggestions or a session with a hypnotherapist.

If you experience strong issue which you do not success to resolve on your own and need an interactive treatment with regression or parts therapy we suggest you to visit a hypnotherapist. Interactive hypnosis is not very easy to maintain by your-self and help of an expert can guide you through.

Read how to choose the right hypnotherapist

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Regression technique is used when a client experiences strong emotional reaction like fear, anxiety, sadness and etc. and would like to resolve it.

The regression is done by focusing on the last time when a client experienced unwanted emotion and then going all the way back to the moment when this emotion had been experienced at the first time. This is the moment when this reaction had been formed.

This moment is called initial sensitizing event (ISE), which is the root of the problem. You can consider that regression technique uses an emotional link between the current situation and the root cause.

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Parts therapy

Parts therapy technique is used when a client does not have a clear and strong emotional reaction. For instance, chronic illness or pain would be treated with this technique.

You probably noticed that often you have a dialogue or an argument of two "people" in your head: one of them wants you to do this and another one is trying to convince you to do that. These we call parts.

In this technique we focus on a particular part which is responsible for the issue. In order to find the ISE (the root of the issue) we look for the moment when this part had been created.

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The root is found, now what?

Once the root of the problem is found, a client is suggested to reframe that moment, where the problem had been created in this way, that he feels happy, healthy and etc. Like if such moment never happened.

A client can reframed in any way he wants to, it is his imagination and there are no limits.

The purpose of the reframe is to shift the perception of the old situation, so the problem is never triggered again. In analogy with computers, it is like creating a new function in the code which will be now called instead of the old one. The old function still will be part of the code but will be never called.

After reframing a client does remember both – the old situation and the new one. This is the moment when a new pattern is created and the old one is fading.

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